
*Weight loss results may vary and are different for each individual.

I have always been overweight. My sister and I are very close, we work together as chefs within contract catering and have battled constantly through our lives to lose weight. I was eating the wrong food at the wrong time of day - I drank too much coke and enjoyed to many lattes. 

There are probably very few types of diets that my sister and I haven't tried between us, always managing to lose a little and then gain the lost weight plus more. I've never found a VLCD diet I could stick to. A colleague of ours had been on a diet and one day there was one of those moments when you just notice how much weight someone has lost. Well I had to ask what she had been doing and she introduced me to the idea of a VLCD (very low calorie diet). This was something I'd never even heard of let alone tried, so I went home and researched VLCDs on the internet.

There were a few choices available but despite being overweight, as a chef I am very conscious of what additives etc...I put into my body. So having read through the ingredients of the various products, there was only one option for me - Exante™ Diet.My sister also started a VLCD and we began our weight loss journeys together. I felt positive knowing that I had my sister to support me.I wore size 18 / 20 clothes and couldn't wait to get started. I undertook the Total Solution programme and the weight literally just dropped off me. My body shrank and I had so much energy, I just felt like a different person. I was worried that being a chef and around food all the time would be too much of a temptation to bear, but actually I found it really helped me focus.

I cannot thank Exante™ enough for the phenomenal support and encouragement. I ended up giving so many bags of clothes to charity which was just a liberating experience and once I hit my goal of dress size 8/10. I ventured out into what was for me the unknown world of fashion and now the person I am on the outside matches the person who has always been inside me. People around me cannot believe how I look and how confident I am; they all want to know what I did and how I did it!

I no longer turn to food when I am happy or sad or stressed, I do other more productive things like pamper myself or buy a new skirt - size 8 / 10 by the way, and I love it!. So all I can say is thank you to my sister for her support, to my parents for their encouragement, and to Exante for making a diet that is simple to follow, very tasty and provides all my daily nutritional requirements.

Weight loss results may vary and are different for each individual.