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Please note this product may have been discontinued

What are exante JUICED Meal Replacement Shakes?

exante JUICED meal replacement shakes with clear whey protein are a world’s first! They’re made with real fruit juices and can be used on any exante diet plan. The range is perfect for those wanting to try fruitier and more refreshing shakes.

What are the benefits of exante JUICED Meal Replacement Shakes?

Like all exante meal replacements, JUICED is enriched with 27 vitamins and minerals. These tasty meal replacements are also high in protein and fibre but low in sugar, so you can enjoy these refreshing shakes without the guilt of lots of calories!

Who can benefit from a JUICED Meal Replacement Shake?

The JUICED meal replacement shakes are high in protein and fibre, and can benefit anyone looking to lose weight through a VLCD. They can also complement your lifestyle and weight-management goals.

How should I consume exante JUICED Meal Replacement Shakes?

We’d recommend pouring 500ml of cold water into your exante shaker, adding 2 scoops (56g) of JUICED powder, before shaking well. After this, leave the contents for a few minutes to settle.

Substitute two of the main daily meals of an energy restricted diet to contribute to weight loss or one meal for the maintenance of weight after weight loss. Consume as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, maintaining an adequate daily fluid intake. Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Suitable for vegetarians.