Weight Loss Meal Replacement Range

Exante offers the widest range of meal replacement shakes, bars, soups and more that provide 100% of your daily intake of vitamins and minerals. With over 72 delicious products to choose from, including both vegetarian and gluten-free options, Exante can help you achieve your weight loss goals.

How does weight loss with Exante work?

  • Replace up to 3 meals with Exante meal replacement products daily.
  • Choose from a wide range of meal replacement shakes, bars, meals and desserts.
  • Lower your daily calorie intake to between 600 - 1200 calories.
  • Stay well hydrated and combine with 20 minutes of light exercise daily for best results.

    Support your weight loss goals

    We not only offer a delicious range of meal replacement products to help you reach your goals, but are here to fully support you along the way!

    We offer a FREE ebook with every order explaining ‘How Exante Works’ and have a hub of articles offering top tips, healthy recipes and weight loss advice. Plus, we have closed communities of support with a dedicated team to answer all of your queries and provide professional advice.