If you have any of the conditions below or are taking any medication, you will be unsuitable for Exante Total and Man Plan. You may still be eligible to do the Flexi Solution and/or 5:2 Diet but you should always check with your GP first.
Have you been diagnosed with any of the following, or do any of the following apply to you:
• A severe psychiatric disorder including manic depression (bipolar disorder), Psychosis, Schizophrenia and/or taking MORI and Lithium drugs
• Depression of more than a minor degree
• Gout
• Porphyria (active or latent)
• Given birth in the last three months (or had a miscarriage 20 weeks gestation)
• Type 1 diabetes or taking insulin or sulphonylureas
• Arrhythmia Bradycardia. Tachycardia or taking Digoxin to treat heart rate irregularities
• Convulsions or Epileptic seizures or taking anti convulsion drugs
• Any heart condition including, heart disease or suffered a heart attack, heart failure, arrhythmias value disease
• Angina
• Recent stroke or is taking anti-coagulants anti-thrombotics or fibrolytics
• Severe kidney or liver disease
• Are about to undergo surgery
• Had any serious illness, injury, trauma or surgery in the last three months
• Hypertension
• Those at risk from hypoglycaemia
• Taking ANY prescription medication