Ketosis diet

What is Ketosis?

Ketosis is a metabolic state in which the main source of the body's energy supply comes from ketone bodies in the blood, in contrast to a state of glycolysis in which blood glucose provides energy. Our very low calorie diet plans may allow you to safely enter ketosis through reducing your energy intake whilst ensuring you consume all the nutrients you need to remain healthy.

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What is a ketosis state?

A ketosis state is a metabolic state whereby your body uses its fat stores rather than carbohydrates (glycogen) as its main fuel source. When you are in this metabolic state, your energy supply mainly comes from ketones in your blood rather than blood glucose.

There are two ways in which to put your body into this ketosis state – either by drastically reducing your calorie intake (fasting) or by reducing your carbohydrate intake and increasing your consumption of foods rich in fat (nutritional ketosis).

Our 800 calorie diet plan may allow you to safely enter ketosis through by providing you with meal replacements that allow you to reduce your energy intake to the level required for ketosis while ensuring you consume all the nutrients you need to remain healthy.

Do I need to be in ketosis to lose weight?

Entering a ketosis state, in which your body burns fat for fuel, can support weight loss as it may allow you to feel satiated and help you to burn fat at a high rate.

However, entering into a calorie deficit - in which you consume less calories than you burn off - will result in weight loss, regardless of whether you enter into a ketosis state or not.

How to get into ketosis

Ketosis is a popular method for fat and weight loss which is partly due to the appetite-suppressing effects associated with it.

Consuming 800 calories a day or less on a very low-calorie diet (VLCD) such as our Exante 800 plan will help you enter ketosis as well as lose weight through being in a calorie deficit.

What are the health benefits of keto?

Research shows entering a state of ketosis can have a positive effect on lowering the risk factors associated with:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Type 2 diabetes

How do you know if you are in ketosis?

Everyone responds differently to being in a ketogenic state. Not all side effects are experienced and most subside as your body becomes more adept at burning fat as its main source of energy. In the early stages, fatigue is common. This occurs as you adapt to the reduced intake of carbohydrate and your body shifts from glycolysis to ketosis.

Your body breaks down its stored glucose leading to the release of a lot of water, and your kidneys will remove this excess water. As a result, dehydration can be common. You should compensate for this by significantly increasing your water intake. As ketone levels increase in your body some convert to a chemical called acetone, leading to a metallic taste in your mouth. Sugar-free chewing gum can help alleviate any unpleasant tastes.

As your body adapts to the state of ketosis, you may also experience some further benefits - such as increased energy and reduced appetite – in addition to weight loss!

Will I be hungry in a ketosis state?

While initially you may experience hunger and sugar cravings in the first few days of your diet – due to your body adjusting to the change in calorie intake - the presence of ketone bodies typically has a positive appetite-suppressing effect.

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