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Please note this product may have been discontinued

Exante Flavour Drops can help you transform any meal, shake or coffee into an extra-tasty treat. Zero fat, sugar-free and simple to use, they’re also available in four different flavours: Vanilla, Maple Syrup, Strawberry and Toffee. This means these yummy vegan drops can be used to support any exante plan without the guilt of going off track.

How can I add the Flavour Drops into my diet plan?

Our zero-calorie, sugar-free Flavour Drops are designed to make your food taste even more delicious. With zero fat too, they give you the freedom to add an extra something to any exante 800, 1200 or 5:2 diet plan by simply adding a few drops.

How can I use Flavour Drops?

Try adding Maple or Toffee Flavour Drops to our exante Porridge pots, or a few drops of Vanilla to our Latte Shake mix. There are so many ways these drops can take your diet plan to another level!

How many drops do I need to use?

We would suggest using around 2-3 drops when flavouring your food, shakes or coffee. Of course, you can add more or use less, depending on how powerful you like your flavour.

The one-by-one droplet system allows easy control of the flavour drops, so you can make your food taste as strong as you like. Exante Flavour Drops are an easy, guilt-free way to make your food interesting, and ensure you’re still smashing your weight loss goals.