Please ensure you read the below carefully before placing an order
The Momenta Diabetes Remission Programme, also delivered as the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme, has three distinct phases:
Phase 1: You'll follow a low calorie diet of approximately 800 calories a day for 12 weeks.
Phase 2: You'll gradually replace the products with 'real food' over six weeks.
Phase 3: We'll support you to keep off the weight you've lost over the rest of the 12-month programme and beyond.
You'll need to use this section of exante's site to order all the TDR products for the programme - our diabetes nutrition experts have reviewed all the products available here and you can use your Voucher codes (which won't work on the main site).
'Momenta and exante'
Momenta programme participants should focus only on pages accessible 'www.exantediet.com/momenta.list' (any page with ‘Momenta’ in the URL). The rest of exante’s site is for a broader, less-specific audience and often not relevant, or even confusing, for Momenta participants. Please do not download the app or sign up to the newsletter as messaging and content will be different. Also, please ignore any offers on e.g. free delivery that pop up or feature at the top of your screen – ALL your products and delivery are free for you if you use your Voucher codes. If you contact Exante’s Helpdesk using the information below then let them know that you are on the Momenta Diabetes Remission programme delivered as part of the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme.