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3 Diabetes Success Stories | World Diabetes Day

3 Diabetes Success Stories | World Diabetes Day
Megan Edwards
Writer and expert4 years ago
View Megan Edwards's profile

World Diabetes Day is commemorated every year on 14th November and aims to raise awareness of this common condition. This year, exante will be featured in a special film produced by ITN productions, highlighting how a very-low calorie diet like exante can be used to help reverse Type 2 Diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes is a common condition which causes the level of sugar within the blood to become to high and is commonly linked to being obese or overweight (NHS, 1).

Here we celebrate the efforts of three incredible women who are taking steps to prevent or reverse Type 2 Diabetes using exante. They share their journey so far, their goals and their favourite exante products. Prepare to be inspired!

Lisa has lost over 3.5 stone

Lisa is type 2 diabetic and is losing weight with exante

Age: 53

Starting Weight: 19st 2lbs

Current Weight: 15st 7lbs

When were you first diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes?

Lisa was first diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in 2007. She found that her diagnosis completely changed her relationship with food. She became focused on the protein and carbohydrate content of what she was eating, which didn’t feel like a healthy mindset for her.  


Why did you decide to start exante?

After hearing about a trial which is investigating how Type 2 Diabetes could be reversed, Lisa decided to give exante a try as it was listed as a recommended productA very low calorie diet like exante  has been suggested to help people put Type 2 Diabetes into remission due to the rapid weight loss it can promote.  


What is your end goal when following exante?

Lisa’s aim is to put her BMI into a healthy range and ultimately reverse her Type 2 Diabetes. A recent blood test showed that she was no longer classed as diabetic, but the hard work doesn’t stop there! Importantly, Lisa really wants to develop a healthy relationship with food to keep her body and mind healthy.  

Give it a go, if I can do it anyone can!"

What is your go-to product?

Lisa loves the Chicken and Leek Soup- it's the perfect winter warmer!  

Carol has lost 2.5lbs

Carol is losing weight to help her Type 2 Diabetes using exante

Age: 52 

Starting Weight: 20st 2lbs 

Current Weight: 19st 13.5lbs 


Why did you start exante?

“I was first diagnosed as pre-diabetic last September/October. I did really well on a low-carb diet and lost almost 2 stone. In December/January I had a very painful injury and after that I put on weight due to family stresses, COVID and a few other factors. I was eating almost anything I wanted with a a ‘life is too short’ attitude. I checked my blood sugar and it had rocketed. I was in the diabetic Type 2 range, no longer pre-diabetic.” 

“I already suffer from fibromyalgia; therefore fatigue is a major part of my daily life. I was feeling even more exhausted, and had an upset stomach a lot of the time. Carbs don’t agree with my body.” 

“I decided to start exante the same day that I checked my bloods and realised my blood sugar had increased.” 


Why did you choose exante?

“In a strange co-incidence, I was talking to a friend and noticed she had lost a lot of weight, and she said she had been on exante for 7 weeks. She sent me the link and I ordered a 4 week box immediately.” 

How is your journey going?

“I am following the 800 plan, usually having 3 products a day and a 200 calorie meal. I try not to go over 1000 calories a day. 

“My blood sugar levels reduced dramatically in just 5 days, from 11.5 to 8.5. I haven’t checked them since!” 


What is your goal?

“I would ideally like to lose a lot of weight. I have tried every diet known to man and have never been a fast loser. My main aim is to reverse the Type 2/Pre diabetic glucose levels in my blood."


What are your go-to products?

“My favourite products are the shakes; I haven’t had one yet that I don’t like! The Salted Caramel Bars are delicious too.” 

“Sometimes I have a low-calorie jelly or warm up a Chocolate or one of the Coffee Shop Range shakes. I’m going to try freezing some shakes to make ice cream too!” 

"Instead of drinking so much cold squash or water, I remembered that as a kid I loved juice as a hot drink as well as cold, so I will be having some of that too!"

Lisa has lost 1.5 stone

Lisa has type 2 diabetes and is losing weight with diabetes

Age: 42 

Starting Weight: 22st

Current Weight: 20st 7lbs 

When were you diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes?

Lisa’s Type 2 Diabetes diagnosis came in May 2020. She struggled to function as she felt constantly exhausted and as though she couldn’t mentally cope with life. She always felt thirsty and decided to make a lifestyle change to combat these symptoms.  


Why did you start exante?

“I started exante a few years ago and got some good results. This time round I started in September but was not quite ready so kept falling off plan. 

Now, Lisa is ready and raring to go and is committed to losing weight with exante. So far she has lost an amazing 1 stone 7 pounds! 


Have you noticed any changes in your Type 2 Diabetes symptoms since starting exante?

“My blood sugars have come down from over 21 to 12 in the mornings and my post meal was 8.9 the other day which is a huge achievement!” 

“I have more energy, I feel happier and lighter about things.” 


What is your end goal?

“I want to lose enough weight so I can buy the clothes I like and feel nice in again. Once I’m at target I may go onto a 5:2 or one of the other higher calorie plans.”

“I’ve got a long way to go so I’ll see when I get there!” 


What tips/advice would you give to other people with Type 2 Diabetes following an exante plan?

“This diet has almost completely reversed my Type 2 Diabetes in less than a month. Just try it and see what you can get out of it.” 


What are your favourite products?

“I love the Porridge Pots, they are awesome. I like Lemon Cheesecake shakes, and the Salted Caramel Bars and Shakes. I like a lot of the shakes actually. And the Lemon Pancakes for sure!!” 

Do you have Type 2 Diabetes? Find out more about the research surrounding very low calorie diets reversing Type 2 Diabetes here. Read more about the diet plans and order your 2 Week or 4 Week Diet Box today for a simple way to get started!

Always seek medical advice from a GP before embarking on any weight-loss programme to determine you are medically eligible, especially if you are already on medication. You should not follow any of our plans if you are younger than 18 or over 71 years of age. 


Megan Edwards
Writer and expert
View Megan Edwards's profile
Megan is a Marketing student at the University of Liverpool. She enjoys travelling, skiing and long walks with her two golden retrievers, Henry and Chester. As a former lifeguard and swimming teacher, Megan loves being in and on the water and has recently started learning to sail and wakeboard. When on dry land, she keeps fit by working out at the gym and is a regular at salsa and yoga classes.