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Weightloss Tips from Charlie and Adrian

Weightloss Tips from Charlie and Adrian
Aimee Heeran
Writer and expert4 years ago
View Aimee Heeran's profile

There are many people who have lost weight with exante, but do you want to hear some previous slimmer's top tips?

Meet Charlie, she was a slimmer of the season in 2019. Charlie lost 6 stone 10lbs following the Exante diet plan. Read more about Charlie's weightloss success story here.

We asked Charlie what top tips she would offer to those considering starting the exante diet, and this is what Charlie said…

Charlie’s Top Tips

  • Drink plenty of water! Water is key!
  • Buy an exante water enhancer, they are perfect size for your handbag and are handy for being out and about.
  • Don’t compare your starting weight to someone else, our bodies are unique and we all lose different amounts.
  • Be patient, the weight doesn’t go on overnight, so you won’t lose it overnight. If you feel that your weight loss slows or stops, measure your inches! You can be amazed at how many inches you can lose.
  • Join the exante facebook support page, it is full of people doing exante and it is filled with people who are more than happy to help!

Meet Adrian, he was a slimmer of the season in 2019. Adrian lost 11 stone 1lb following the exante diet plan. Read more about Adrian's weightloss success story here.

We asked Adrian what top tips he would offer to those considering starting the exante diet, and here is what Adrian said…

Adrian’s Top Tips

  • Stick to the diet plan that works for you.
  • Drink water
  • Spread your products through the day as you would other meals
  • Write down your goals and where you want to get to. Revisit these goals on difficult days.
  • Make yourself accountable in the exante closed group, sharing successes with the exante community, which will keep you on track.
  • Don’t give up! 6 months could change your life!
  • Again, drink water!
Aimee Heeran
Writer and expert
View Aimee Heeran's profile
Aimee graduated from the University of Bristol in 2019. It was during her time at University that her love of fitness and nutrition truly began. She’s always loved an active lifestyle from a small child. Aimee frequently enjoys going to the gym, regular hot yoga classes and going for long country walks. She loves trying new activities and in the last 12 months has tried jet skiing, horse riding, and her first 10K race.