Long Read

Beat the January Blues: How we’re helping you get through January 

It’s the first month of a brand-new year. For some, this means new beginnings, a fresh start and another chance to make it ‘your year’, but for others January brings an overwhelming sense of doom. With dark nights and bank balances on the decrease, it can be difficult to stay positive during the dreaded January.  

But fear not because we’re here with our top tips to help you get through the month and soon it’ll be spring before you know it! 

Get moving

Get Moving

After a month-long binge on mince pies and mulled wine, it can feel like a struggle to get your body moving again. Despite the struggle, getting your body going again can be one of the best ways to flip that frown upside down and get back on track for the New Year.  

No matter how old or fit you are, exercise has always been proven to help your physical and mental health. So, what better way to beat those January Blues than by getting your body moving?  

Want to get moving but not sure where to start? Check out our favourite 5 ways in the blog below 

5 Easy Ways to Get Moving this Christmas

Long Read

5 Easy Ways to Get Moving this Christmas

2021-12-08 09:44:26By Amelia Dunn


Wondering why exercise is so good for you? Find out what our health expert Dr Frankie has to say here.

Bring your resolutions to life

Bring your resolutions to life

One of the key parts of January is making a list of New Year’s Resolutions. Whether you want to use this year to get in shape, pick up a new hobby or even completely transform yourself, it’s good to get focused on the things you want for the New Year.  

Start by making a list of all the things you’re aspiring to this year, they can be as abstract or as wild as you want. Once you’ve made your list, try and work out how you can achieve each of your resolutions and work towards them throughout January. Remember, having things to work towards is a great way to help you get through tough winter months.  

Looking to create a whole new YOU? Look no further than exante. We’re here every step of the way to help you become the greatest version of YOU. Shop our 4 week box or our range of healthy lifestyle products to take the first step towards becoming a better you! 

Set yourself goals

Set yourself goals

January is a long month and don’t we all know it! To help it go along the way a little quicker, why not make some little goals? Now, these goals don’t need to be anything major, just small, quick wins to help you get focused on yourself and speed January along the way. These goals can be anything from walking 10,000 steps a day, to treating yourself to a coffee during your lunch hour. Whatever you need to do to get through the day, week and month, do it.  

Take some time for you

Take some time for you

One of the small luxuries of having a quieter month in January is that you have a lot more time for yourself. Spending some time alone with yourself and for yourself is a great way to refocus this January. Perhaps you pick up that book you’ve been meaning to get through or maybe you take up a new hobby, like cooking or running.  

Interested in upping your chef game but don’t know where to start? We’ve got you covered with our list of amazing, super easy Winter Warmer recipes, check them out in our blog below  

Warm Up Your Winter with our Work From Home Recipes

Long Read

Warm Up Your Winter with our Work From Home Recipes

2021-12-08 18:47:09By Amelia Dunn


Already tried and tested all of our winter warmers? Take things up a notch with nutritionist Chef K’s wonderful healthy recipes  

Dietitian Chef K | Summer Mackerel Salad with Beetroot, Pumpkin, and Chickpeas


Dietitian Chef K | Summer Mackerel Salad with Beetroot, Pumpkin, and Chickpeas

2021-06-14 09:29:39By Kwayera Simpson

Dietitian Chef K's Grilled Halloumi Salad with Roasted Peppers and Cous Cous


Dietitian Chef K's Grilled Halloumi Salad with Roasted Peppers and Cous Cous

2021-07-01 14:20:44By Kwayera Simpson

Dietitian Chef K's Batch Cook Moroccan Style Chicken

Long Read

Dietitian Chef K's Batch Cook Moroccan Style Chicken

2021-09-08 09:00:39By Kwayera Simpson

We hope we’ve given you that added boost of inspiration you need to get back on track this January. Make sure you’re following us on Instagram and Facebook to stay in the know with all things exante or, if you’re looking for a little extra support, join our Facebook Closed Group and share stories and transformations with the rest of the exante family.  

Amelia Dunn

Amelia Dunn

Writer and expert

Amelia is our Content Executive and has worked with us for a little over a year. Aside from writing recipes, blogs and website content, Amelia spends a lot of time cooking and trying out new recipes. In her spare time, Amelia can be found reading, spending time with her friends or taking part in yoga, barre and HIIT classes.