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Spring Slimmer of the Season | Meet the Spring Shortlist

Spring Slimmer of the Season | Meet the Spring Shortlist
Kat Myers
Writer6 years ago
View Kat Myers's profile

After receiving lots of incredible Exante success stories, all of which were truly inspirational, we have shortlisted three transformation stories for our Spring Slimmer of the Season competition.

Each of these three Exante customers have implemented an Exante plan into their lifestyle, which has not only allowed them to transform their bodies, but also improve their health and confidence levels!

Vote NOW for your Spring Slimmer of the Season Winner!

Here are our shortlisted Spring Slimmers…


Meet Karin

karin, a Slimmer of the Season shortlisted contestant, before and after images

Karin, age 34

Start Weight: 282lbs (20st, 2lbs)

Current Weight: 187lbs (13st, 5lbs)

Total Weight Lost: 6st, 11lbs

When did you first decide to start your weight loss journey with Exante?

“My 34th birthday was an amazing day. It wasn't until after, when my mum shared the photos of the day, that I was mortified, I couldn't believe how big I had gotten. Even my smile didn't look real, I just didn't look like me. I ordered my first set of Exante products that night. I had to do something different.”

Do you remember when you/ other people first started to notice you lose weight?

“I noticed the difference in myself when I got a vacuum bag of my old clothes out of the spare room (you know the 'one day, just in case' clothes). I tried on a dungaree dress that was a 'goal' dress and it fit! I remember the smile on my face and that was when I knew Exante was working more than anything I had done before!”

How did your plan fit into your lifestyle?

“Surprisingly the plan fitted so well with my lifestyle. I made a Caramel Latte Frappe shake for in the car on the way to work, it was like a luxurious coffee. I then filled up on water and peppermint tea throughout the morning. Lunchtime was another flavoured 'coffee'- the coconut shakes are amazing for this! In the evenings I had a treat of a Chocolate Orange Shake whilst the boys ate their dinner. Because they tasted nice it always felt like I was having something naughtier. I always have a peppermint tea in the evening before bed. Water has been a saviour and my skin has never looked so good!”

How has your life changed since losing weight?

“Hugely, which sounds so cliché! I joined some exercise classes as I lost more weight which I wouldn't have done before and in doing so I've found so many friends I wouldn't have spoken to before. I'm able to go into a shop and buy things I want, instead of heading to the back of the rails.

“Finding a new sense of style, being far more comfortable and confident with my body and not hiding away. Enjoying meeting people without the fear of being judged, and the exciting part for me is now looking for ways to challenge myself to do more, to better myself. I take so much more pride in my appearance and it shows through my energy and smile again!”


Meet Adrian

Adrian, a Slimmer of the Season shortlisted contestant, before and after images

Adrian, Aged 42

Start Weight: 28st, 4lbs

Current Weight: 18st, 10lbs

Total Weight Lost: 9st, 6lbs

When did you first decide to start your weight loss journey with Exante?

“When I first started Exante, I had just arrived back from a Caribbean cruise and seen the pictures from the holiday. I Felt unwell, my clothes were not fitting and I generally needed a kick to change my lifestyle. I started Exante in November 2018 and 22 weeks later have lost over 9 and a half stone, soon to be 10 stone. I gave myself a target of six months to change my life and I am on track for this.”

What helped you to stay motivated with your weight loss while on the Exante plan?

“My seven year old daughter, who is like my life coach and personal trainer. She is over the moon with the results, as is my wife and this keeps me going. After about 6 weeks into my journey, my family couldn’t believe the difference in my weight.”

How has your life changed since losing weight?

“Life for me has changed drastically. I am 100% more active, I am so much fitter and enjoy football, swimming and walking. I can buy clothes in high street shops, whereas before my shopping was always internet based.  Me and my daughter are doing more together and i feel so much better.”

Do you have any other comments about the diet, Exante or your weight loss journey?

“I can’t believe if you stick to the plan how straightforward Exante is ... I know I will find the maintenance stage easy as I love the products. I have totally had my eyes open to my relationship with food which gives me the faith I can continue this journey


Meet Kasia

kasia, a Slimmer of the Season shortlisted contestant, before and after images

Kasia, Aged 43

Start Weight: 18st, 9lbs

Current Weight: 13st, 3lbs

Total Weight Lost: 5st, 6lbs

When did you first decide to start your weight loss journey with Exante and was there a key moment which kickstarted your weight loss?

“In October 2018, after having health issues with my knee that were furthered by my weight, I had an operation on my knee. However, the problems continued, and the doctor told me that without further action I could end up in a wheelchair, however there was nothing they could do for me until I lost at least three stone.

“This shocking news kickstarted me to make the change. I started my Exante journey the next morning, and 15 weeks on I was four and a half stone lighter.”

What helped you to stay motivated with your weight loss while on the Exante plan?

“I joined the Exante Closed Facebook Group. Looking at these people’s weight loss progress pictures helped me to stay motivated with the diet.”

How did your plan fit into your lifestyle?

“Perfectly! As I’m not breakfast person, I take my bar to work, then for lunch I have the Spaghetti Bolognese, or another Bar Meal Replacement, then plenty of water! The bars are my favourites, I find them very filling.”

Do you have any other comments about the diet, Exante or your weight loss journey?

“Thank you so much Exante for changing my life. I’m very happy I found your products. I will never go back there. I love Exante and will carry on until I hit my healthy BMI – so another two stone to go, but I'm closer than ever!”

VOTE NOW for your Spring Slimmer of the Season! Click here to vote. Voting will close on 6th May and winner will be announced on 7th May.


Kat Myers
View Kat Myers's profile